Find servcies providers

Here we list recommended service providers for each chapter of the book.

1. Why should I care?

Follow us on Facebook for general news about Chinese Touirsts

2. Culture and customs

For translation we recommend SevenTrans

3. Food and drink

For advice on this please contact us

4. The accomodation they want

For advice on this please contact us

5. What they want to buy

For advice on this please contact us

6. What they want to do

For advice on this please contact us

7. Where they want to visit

For advice on this please contact us

8. How can we get them to visit us?

For advice on this please contact us

For Internet and Social Media we recommend SevenTrans

9. Chinese Holidays = Income opportunities!

For advice on this please contact us

10. What to do now?

For advice on this please contact us